QSL Radio Republica Франция / США / Куба Март 2016 года

QSL Radio Republica Франция / США / Куба Март 2016 года


Страна Франция
Станция Radio Republica
Частота 9490 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 03.03.2016 01:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта испанский | английский
Послано по e-mail info@directorio.org
Ответ получен 04.03.2016


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Письмо от станции:

Dear Mr. Elagin:

We acknowledge receipt of your email dated March 2ndh 2016. Regarding your reception of Radio República.

Radio República is the voice the Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio) which is a non-profit organization that works for democracy in Cuba by way of a civic, nonviolent struggle. As you may know radio in Cuba is a state property (Communist Party only) there is no freedom of expression in Cuba. We are committed to work very hard to help our brothers and sisters in the resistance in Cuba and to offer the people of Cuba an alternative – free radio programming where even people in the resistance in Cuba can freely talk in our radio station, in spite of the consequences that these participation will bring to them: more repression, prison, persecution, torture even death by the Castro totalitarian regime.

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We are not radio amateurs, so we apologize if sometimes we do not know this radio lingo, we are human rights activists voicing a message of freedom and hope to the people of the world and specially the Cubans within the island who are not free.

We feel very glad when we receive reports like yours around the world. We do not have QSL cards because our funds are very limited, we apologize again. Please take this reply and propaganda attached like your reception confirmation together with our deepest gratitude for listening to our message and report it to us. Every time we receive a reception like yours, we broadcast it to the oppressed people of Cuba, so they will know that they are not alone in their quest for freedom, that they have friends around the world.
Again dear friend, thank you for listening Radio República.

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P.S. Do not forget to look for us at www.Directorio.org ( English menu) and www.RadioRepublica.us

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radio republica

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