QSL Funklust Германия Октябрь 2021 года

Получен бумажный оригинал QSL карточки от Funklust (bit eXpress). Конверт отправили из Эрлангена, Германия 3 декабря 2021 года.

Получен предварительный скан QSL карточки от студенческой станции Funklust (bit eXpress) из Института интегральных схем общества Фраунгофера в Германии. Студенты Fraunhofer IIS проводят испытания оборудования в режиме DRM. Мощность передатчика 250 Вт, но у меня получилось декодировать короткие фрагметы, аудио в xHE-AAC и Journaline Data. Были отправлены рапорты за 2, 6 и 11 октября 2021 года.

e-QSL Funklust (bit eXpress) Германия Октябрь 2021 года

Страна Германия
Станция Funklust (bit eXpress) - Fraunhofer IIS
Частота 15785 DRM
Дата, время (UTC) Wednesday 6 October 2021 UTC time: 13:30 - 13:50
Получено от станции pre-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта немецкий | английский
Послано по e-mail technik@funklust.de, dabtest@iis.fraunhofer.de
Ответ получен 2 декабря 2021 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 39 meters and counterpoise 23 + 8 m (10 - 15 m above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

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Первый рапорт от 2 октября был отправлен на три email станции funklust.de, за что был получен нагоняй и такой ответ:

Dear Mr. Elagin,

please do not send the same E-Mail to all of our contact addresses. It is not necessary to inform 3 reflectors with around 15 different people about your reception. Thank you for your understanding.

In addition to that, funklust is not operating the shortwave test transmitter - this transmitter is part of the technology tests at the Fraunhofer IIS research institute. funklust it not aware of any technical details and when the transmission is actually on air or not. I know that you contacted Fraunhofer already - they are the ones who are able to provide more information.

Because there is no actual evidence (like songtitle, show name, etc.) - from a programmatical point of view - we cannot acknowledge that you received the signal from Erlangen. We know there are other transmissions on the same frequency from time to time. Depending on the technical information you sent to Fraunhofer they might be able to do so.

Kind regards and happy DXing,

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На второй рапорт ответил Markus Tauber из института Audio and Media Technologies
Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS. Сначала я использовал версию Dream-1.17-qt2, которая не может декодировать xHE-AAC. Я нашёл готовую сборку DReaM v2.2.1 for Windows (with xHE-AAC support), снова прослушал запись и смог декодировать аудио сигнал.

Dear Dmitry Elagin,

thank you very much for your reception reports.

What you received was the funklust campus radio transmitted via Fraunhofer IIS test equipment. We send one Audio Service (encoded with xHE-AAC[1]) and Journaline Data [2].

I guess your version of DReaM is not able to decode xHE-AAC Codec. We use the Fraunhofer App. Another solution for may be the Starwaves DRM App for Android [3] together with a suitable RF Frontend dongle.

Since this transmission is only On-Air for about two weeks and is mainly covering receiver and equipment testing, you will not find any news regarding this (except from other radio enthusiasts).

In the meantime we are preapring an official press release and will share the link with you once it is ready.

We are also preparing for QSL cards, but this may still take a while. Please be patient.

Thank you very much for your interest - highly appreciated.

With best wishes

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Недавно институт опубликовал официальный пресс релиз о начале вещания:

funklust broadcasts in DRM on shortwave
November 19, 2021

“funklust”, campus broadcaster at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, stands out as one of the radio stations with the most diverse transmission paths in the world. Recently, the station has revamped one of its digital broadcast paths: funklust in Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) on shortwave is now broadcast using a new, modern transmitter.

In the summer of 2003, funklust (known as “bit eXpress” back then) was broadcast digitally for the first time on shortwave (SW) using a Telefunken transmitter. Transmission via DRM on FM radio later followed in 2013, with funklust becoming one of the first DRM radio programs in the world to be broadcast on FM. The entire broadcasting apparatus for DRM on shortwave has now been modernized and funklust has been broadcasting with brand new equipment since October 2021. A Fraunhofer ContentServer R7 is used to broadcast the program, allowing audio content and attractive data services, such as Journaline, TextMessage+ (TM+), and even Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF), to be put on air with ease. The funklust transmitter requires an average transmission power of 250 W and operates at the transmission frequency 15.785 MHz. Reception reports received so far confirm that the program can be received not only in Germany but also in Russia, the US, Norway, Finland and New Zealand.

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Until recently, a dedicated radio device was required to receive DRM transmissions. Starwaves, a developer of DRM receiver solutions, worked closely with Fraunhofer IIS to develop an Android app, which can be used for DRM reception on mobile devices. The Starwaves radio app is available in the Amazon App store and the Google Play Store and provides Android cellphones and tablets with entertainment, text information and emergency warnings via DRM digital radio — without the need to enter into a contract, independent of the user’s mobile network and based on innovative Fraunhofer technology.

Via Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)

Digital Radio Mondiale — DRM for short — is the digital successor of traditional AM and FM radio. The DRM standard comprises two major configurations: One is for broadcasts on short, medium, and long wave up to 30 MHz and provides large coverage areas and low power consumption with improved quality services compared to FM. The configuration for VHF bands above 30 MHz, including FM, is tailored for local and regional coverage with broadcaster-controlled transmissions and provides stereo services, including surround sound. All DRM configurations use the xHE-AAC audio codec that was largely developed by Fraunhofer IIS. DRM offers high audio quality combined with a wealth of expanded functions and data services, one of which is Journaline, a teletext service for radio via which listeners can access news, the latest sports results, weather forecasts, travel tips, and even educational offers — without an internet connection.

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Campus broadcaster “funklust”

Originally a small experimental station with a few workers and occasional broadcasts, the project has since developed into a 24/7 complete radio program. During normal radio broadcasting, over 30 students and alumni of funklust e.V. volunteer at the station, working throughout the academic year to produce a diverse program. Quite a few students have already received training through a comprehensive training program comprising workshops and advanced training weekends. Several former members now work for large German broadcasters such as BR or SWR. From a technical point of view, the station began broadcasting as DRM shortwave radio, originally at the frequency 15.896 MHz. Over the years, the transmission paths have developed extensively. Today, funklust can be received via an online stream or DAB+ (181.936 MHz, Band 6A) in and around Erlangen, Germany. In addition, it continues to be broadcast digitally via DRM (DRM-AM 15.785 MHz and DRM-FM 87.9 MHz) and in analog via “Little Joe” on medium wave (1485 kHz). The shows “funklust auftakt” and “funklust mischpult” can also be received via the Nuremberg FM frequency of max neo (106.5 MHz).

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Funklust - это предложение независимых СМИ от студентов Университета Фридриха Александра в Эрлангене-Нюрнберге. Студенческая мультимедийная инициатива позволяет студентам всех дисциплин и независимо от их уровня технических знаний получить опыт работы в радио, видео и онлайн-журналистике. В распоряжении редакции самая современная аудио- и видеотехника.

Институт интегральных схем общества Фраунгофера (Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen) — научно-исследовательский институт, расположен в пригороде Эрлангена[1] в районе Тененлойе. Ведёт разработки в следующих областях: медицинское оборудование, кодирование/декодирование данных, беспроводная передача данных и др. В здании Института расположена кафедра Информационной техники Университета Фридриха-Александра — кафедра LIKE. Одна из самых успешных разработок Института — всемирно известный алгоритм кодирования звука, формат MP3. Кодеки, разработанные Институтом ИС, использованы в ОС Windows.

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