e-QSL Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Август 2021 года

Victor Goonetilleke подтвердил рапорт за приём Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation 9 августа 2021 года.

Недавно Виктор опубликовал серию постов в группах WRTH и QSL CHASERS на Facebook, где объяснил почему международные вещатели на коротких волнах не заинтересованы в получении рапортов о приёме в современных условиях. Он попросил DX-истов привести аргументы, почему станции должны быть заинтересованы в рапортах от слушателей за пределами целевых регионов вещания. А также насколько серьёзно и честно DX-исты подходят к составлению рапортов.

В личной переписке я ответил Виктору, что возможно в России и других странах есть диаспора или аудитория, знающая язык? Эти радиослушатели могут быть полезны SLBC, высказывая свое мнение о программах. Но Виктор ответил, что "Slbc is not interested in external broadcasting. Even middle east service only if local banks sponsor. That is why it is not daily. We as dxers we argue from our benefits ourr angle, and they say people can listen on amobile app, perfect, and we dont need to maintain transmitting shortwave stations. This is the sad reality.". Это печально.

Виктор также добавил, что вещание на КВ требует огромных денежных затрат на обслуживание передатчиков. А также владельцы станций говорят, что люди могут слушать их в мобильном приложении, и что им не нужно поддерживать передачи на коротковолновых станциях. Они могут ценить письма от обычных слушателей в непринужденной манере, но говорят, что вполне могут обойтись без отчетов о приеме и QSLing.

QSL CARDS AND RECEPTION REPORTS. I hope DXers wont take offense over this post. I QSL receprion reports for SLBC. Without going into a big harang I like to mention a few poits.

1.Today with remote receivers I can check our broadcasts all over the world so even before a report arrives I have checked reception.

2. There is no need for reception reports. You are not doing the station a favour in todays world unlike pre internet years. As such we answer BECAUSE you have listened to us even though the broadcast was not meant for a DXer in Germany or S.America.
So from that situation comes the following.

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a. Let the report be as soon as possible after reception.
b. A proper report, not make it obvious that you have cared to listen just for a few minutes of a 1hour 30 minute broadcast to get a QSL card. Be reasonable and dignified.
c. Program details, enough to make the station identify its their broadcast. Maybe a 15 or 20 second audio clip..no more than that.
d. Finally your report is as good as your honesty. You can easily cheat like some do, by listening on the interrnet or through a remote receiver and not indicate as such and pretend you listened via the air SW or MW. and also post the QSL on varius pages. I check if its propagationally possible or not.

If I have a doubt I will double check with the reporter or just blacklist him/her.
Todaay I got a report for December 2020 from Germany for our 1630--1800 broadcast when he can easily pick up our broadcast daily. So I ask him to send me a more recnt reoort and he sends me a report for 8th of August. 🙂 what does it show? He hasnt cared to even check his report and today is the 5th of August.

So please respect our hobby, keep standards if you want our hobby to continue. Keep the dignity that those before us made sure when they handed down a beautiful hobby. "Beauty took from those who loved them in other days" (Walter de la Mare}

Victor Goonetilleke

A simple question. You receive a station blasting in almost 555 or 444 and your reception report covers 5 minutes of the broadcast which is 30 minutes long.
Have you considered what the station personnel would think of the report? By the way it takes me more than that time to check the report and even prepare a QSL card and send it.
Why do I say it? remember its a two way process. Maybe you never think from the side of the station receiving the report, all what you think is wwriting a report and sending it off to get a QSL back?? Is that a good approach?? In the days that stations ASKED for reports they would say at leeast 15 miutes of listening if it is an international broadcaster.

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I refer to my post regarding QSLs. There are some who say I am wrong. I am prepared to listen to every argument. One argument is if stations dont QSL the DXing hobby will die? That is our problem, not that of the station.
Tell me a good reason why an SLBC broadcast in Bengali to India or Hindi should need a DXers report from Russia? Peru, Colombia or Brazil...? The stations are struggling with budgets, and where is the money to set aside a person to even send E-QSLs?
SLBC just dont have the personell, unlike 30 years ago to answer reports and the engineers are struggling to keep minimum transmissions going. That is why about 15 years ago when DXers asked me to help, I would go to the station with reports, get them to QSL and I mailed them out of pocket to make sure the people who asked my help got their reply .
Then SLBC ran out of QSL cards. It had no budget to print cards. I decided to print cards for SLBC after getting designes approved. All the photos are mine or my friends'(no Copy right issues then ). Parthasarathi Goswami desigined in India as I am no grafics artist. Christoph Ratzer offered to print them in Austria at his cost and airmailed about 1000 cards.
I gave them to SLBC. SLBC authorised me to QSL and E-QSL. Some crackpot in India rather well known guy out of envy said I was collecting the $ and IRCs and this is a racket. Until I produced proof I was doing it at the request of SLBC. I can go on and on.
I do this because I am a dxer like a few of us do it for dxers Rafael Rodriguez does it for Colombia and someone for low power Canadian stations, and from time to time DXers do special proframs like the recent R. Andorra broadcast for dxers.
Although I send QSLs I hardly collect them now not even as an active radio ham, even ham QSLs but my manager does that for me.
Its useless being emotional. Be objective and down to earth. If you get a QSL be appreciative, if not just move on. My best catches didnt get a reply or even reported to. I heard and I am satisfied. I report it for others to try, and somethink I want to show off!!!! I dont have to prove to anyone otherthan myself.
I shall help with QSLs as much as possible but for how long I do not know. If I send you a QSL, be happy, if not remember it cost you just nothing but an e-mail, and some hardly even acknowledge the reply. Someone complained his report was not replied to. On checking realised he used a wrong address. Then got the report and I immediately checked and sent his reply, but no acknowledgement till now!!!!!
Engjoy your hobby. Evolve and approach with a good attitude for maximim enjoyment. 73

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e-QSL Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Август 2021 года

Страна Шри-Ланка
Станция Radio Sri Lanka (SLBC)
Частота 11905 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Monday 9 August 2021 UTC time: 00:29 - 00:57
Получено от станции e-QSL
Дополнительные детали
Язык передачи | рапорта Bengali | английский
Послано по e-mail victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com, Victorg.broadcaster@gmail.com
Ответ получен 9 августа 2021 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 39 meters and counterpoise 23 m (10 - 15 m above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

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