e-QSL Cruisin Radio Великобритания Август Сентябрь 2021 года

Arthur Burton прислал новую e-QSL карточку от британского пирата Cruisin Radio. Снова очень хороший сигнал в Саратове на мою антенну. Карточка с новой темой, но снова не именная и без деталей из рапорта.

e-QSL Cruisin Radio Великобритания Сентябрь 2021 года

Страна Великобритания
Станция Cruisin Radio
Частота 6270 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Saturday 4 September 2021 UTC time: 21:30 - 22:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский
Послано по e-mail cruisin_radio@yahoo.com
Ответ получен 5 сентября 2021 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 39 meters and counterpoise 23 + 8 m (10 - 15 m above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

YouTube видео

Письмо от станции:

Dear Dmitry,
Many thanks for the report, it is greatly appreciated. Please find attached an E-QSL to verify you heard Cruisin Radio!

When not on Short Wave, the station runs 24/7 on the Internet and has done for many years. It can be found here

I am now back on Short Wave after many decades break, and I thoroughly enjoying the brief transmissions, I had missed being on air properly via proper radio waves, as being an old pirate that is where my heart lies.
Here is some more info on me if you are interested

Every contact is greatly appreciated!

I thank you and the many who have contacted me to say hello and give a report, it gladdens my heart- thank you.
Arthur Burton

Arthur Burton прислал первую для меня e-QSL карточку от британского пирата Cruisin Radio. Очень хороший сигнал в Саратове, передатчик явно с мощностью не менее 2 кВт, но очевидно находится не в Британии. Карточка без деталей из рапорта.

e-QSL Cruisin Radio Великобритания Август 2021 года

Страна Великобритания
Станция Cruisin Radio
Частота 6270 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Sunday 1 August 2021 UTC time: 21:05 - 21:30
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский
Послано по e-mail cruisin_radio@yahoo.com
Ответ получен 2 августа 2021 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 39 meters and counterpoise 23 m (10 - 15 m above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

YouTube видео

Письмо от станции:

Hi Dmitry,
Nice to hear from you!

Thanks for the report, it is greatly appreciated.
Please find attached a E-QSL to verify you heard Cruisin Radio on 1st/2nd August 2021!

It is a special E-QSL showing the runners in the famous Kentucky Derby, the reason for this is that we received our furthest ever reception report from Kentucky in the USA.
As the transmission went on the skip got longer and longer with s9 up to s9+10 reports from the East Coast of the USA.

Some news; we are preparing a recorded show to be sent to high power Short Wave broadcaster WRMI, which will transmit a special hour of ours to be aired on September 18/19th on 5950 kHz with 100 kilowatts. I have yet to find out the time of the broadcast, but I think it will be 0200 UTC on the 19th.

We are also upgrading the studio PC, with bigger memory and a new graphics card, as well as an extra hard drive.

Please remember, when not on Short Wave, the station runs 24/7 on the Internet and has done for many years. It can be found here CRUISIN' RADIO PLAYING ROCK & OLDIES - MANY RARE 24/7:WE PLAY THE STUFF THE OTHER STATIONS HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF!!!!

Rock Radio station playing many decades of Rock Music!

I am now back on Short Wave after many decades break, and I thoroughly enjoying the brief transmissions, I had missed being on air properly via proper radio waves, as being an old pirate that is where my heart lies.
Here is some more info.on me if you are interested

Every contact is greatly appreciated!

I thank you and the many who have contacted me to say hello and give a report, it gladdens my heart- thank you.
I hope to be back on air soon.
Arthur Burton

Сайт станции

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