Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019 Поздравления с Рождеством и Новым Годом

Поздравление от Радио Польша

С Новым годом и Рождеством Христовым!
Всех благ, дорогие радиослушатели!
Ваша редакция Радио Польша

Поздравление от Free Radio Victoria

Hello to you all.
I,m wishing everybody in the radio world a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hope there will be some progress in the conditions for next year.
Everyone the best receptions and more, Best Regards Operator Frank Free Radio Victoria

Поздравление от русской службы Международного Радио Тайваня

Дорогой слушатель Русской службы МРТ!
От всей души поздравляем Вас с наступающими новогодними и рождественскими праздниками!
Пусть Новый год принесёт Вам много радости и счастья, а все заботы и беды пусть уйдут в прошлое.
Желаем Вам здоровья, удачи и отличного настроения на весь год!
Оставайтесь с нами в 2019 году!
Всегда Ваша, Русская служба МРТ.

Поздравление от немецкой службы Международного Радио Тайваня

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer von Radio Taiwan International, wir bedanken uns fuer die vielen Weihnachtsglueckwuensche und Weihnachtskarten und wuenschen Ihnen allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest! Ihre RTI-Redaktion

Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer, wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Ihnen fuer Ihre Unterstuetzung im Jahr 2018 und Ihr Interesse an unserem Programm und wuenschen Ihnen ein frohes neues Jahr 2019! Ihre RTI-Redaktion

Поздравление от Cap. Denny и Enterprise / Voyager radio

Grazie e auguri a Tutti. A presto risentirvi!

Поздравление от Manus и Mustang Radio Int.

best regards Manus

Поздравление от FRS Holland.

On Sunday December 30th, FRS-Holland will be traditionally ring out the Old Year with its Seasonal broadcast on 7700//5800 kHz. Programmes will run from 08:52- 14:05 UTC/ 09:52- 15:05 CET.
In addition all prohrammes will be repeated following close down of the first run: 14:05- 19:10 UTC/ 15:05- 20:10 CET. Particularly during the final hours of the second run, conditions will be changing and as a result signals will likely skip large areas. For that reason the final three hours- starting just after 16:00 UC/ 17:00 CET- will go out on an extra 3rd frequency: 3975 kHz.

The complete FRS team will join the party including Dave Scott, Jan van Dijk, Roger Davis, Bert van Leer & Peter Verbruggen. Traditionally it will be a mix of carefully selected rock/pop music and a number of (radio related) programme items as well as mail from November 18th and Seasonal greetings. We also look back in the comprehensive FRS archives: a flashback to a December broadcast many years ago. And: a new edition of FRS goes DX will be aired including news from the world of (free) Radio. Just listen out for yourself!! Important: it can happen that we are forced to change frequency during the broadcast. In such case FRS will publish it on the website. So...if there's latest will find it on [ --> Latest News].

May we take this opportunity to thank you, the listener for your support over 2018 hoping we may count on you in 2019, being our 39th year as a Free Radio station on short wave. We would like to express the wish that 2019 will become a peaceful, successful and healthy year ! Have a great Season Holiday, 73s from Peter, Jan, Brian, Dave, Roger & Bert

Поздравление от Radio Face de Blatte.

RFB Crew wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy new year
Peace around the world

Поздравление от пирата ODYNN - AM.


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