e-QSL Bob’s 60’s Splash Германия Сентябрь 2020 года
Получена первая для меня e-QSL от шоу Bob's 60's Splash за рапорт от 11 сентября 2020 года. Вещание через Channel 292 из Германии. Red Sands Radio прислали не именную e-QSL и информацию об истории станции.
'Bob's 60's Splash' was first conceived as a sequence of 60's tracks in the 1980's on 'Bob's Weekend Trek', then Drivetime on Invicta Radio's Gold Service Coast AM, later Coast Classics then Invicta Supergold. The sequence developed into a fully fledged stand alone live programme successfully broadcast on a number of UK stations. When we launched Red Sands Radio from the Thames Estuary Army Forts off the Whitstable Kent Coast, the former base of Radio Invicta, K.I.N.G and Radio 390 'Bob's 60's Splash' was aired on Sunday mornings from 7-10am.
The Fort having lost its fendering, Red Sands Radio was forced to come ashore and broadcast from purpose built studios at Whitstable Harbour, a couple of Recording of Transmission (RoT) programmes from 2014 are listed, sadly no examples of the early shows survive. The Red Sands Radio Production of 'Bob's 60's Splash' is now heard on a growing list of 'select' radio stations in the UK and Overseas. Recent Programmes made available on request
e-QSL Bob's 60's Splash Германия Сентябрь 2020 года
Страна Германия
Станция Bob's 60's Splash
Частота 6070 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 11 September 2020 UTC time: 17:35
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский | английский
Послано по e-mail http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/Home/Contact.html
Ответ пришёл с адреса studio@redsandsradio.co.uk
Ответ получен 14 сентября 2020 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 7 meters + counterpoise 20 m. (10 - 14 m. above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

Письмо от станции:
Dear Dmitry
Thank you for your reception report
We're pleased to hear that you enjoyed 'Bob's 60's Splash' and have pleasure to attach our programme QSL for your collection
If you let us know your two favourite 60's songs we'll play them in our '2 from U' ( two from you) spot
Happy Listening
Сайт DJ Bob Le-Roi и Red Sands Radio Productions