e-QSL The Vault Великобритания Август 2020 года
Получена первая для меня e-QSL от британского пирата The Vault за рапорт от 22 августа 2020 года. Мало, что удалось услышать в Саратове. Для сравнения хороший сигнал через web sdr в Швейцарии.
e-QSL The Vault Великобритания Август 2020 года
Страна Великобритания
Станция The Vault
Частота 6985 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Saturday 22 August 2020 UTC time: 19:55 - 20:30
Получено от станции QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский
Послано по e-mail vaultshortwave@mail.com
Ответ получен 25 августа 2020 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 7 meters + counterpoise 20 m. (10 - 14 m. above ground level)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

Письмо от станции:
Hello Dmitry
thank you for your lovely email.... and I am delighted you found The Vault. I hope you were enjoying the music... 60s 70s & 80s sometimes an extra special song too.
Very interesting about your hobby and life details... I am 53 years old.
The Vault is hobby pandemic project, something a little special and nice for people to enjoy during these strange and difficult times
But we still of course make the very best station possible.
Every day on air .... almost and if possible.... start time is 7pm aprox till 1am local. most days 7 till 1
attached is the station eQSL... for your collection.
many thanks again
PLEASE CONFIRM YOU RECEIVE THIS EMAIL AND EQSL ... We have some problems with sending some emails out to listeners.
I will be happy when I know you have received this.
many thanks and kindest regards
The Vault Keeper