e-QSL The Voice of TheReportOfTheWeek США Июль 2019 года
Получена новая e-QSL карточка от программы The Voice of TheReportOfTheWeek за рапорт от 19 июля 2019 года. John (VORW Radio Int.) отправил карточку 23 августа.
e-QSL The Voice of TheReportOfTheWeek США Июль 2019 года
Страна США
Станция The Voice of TheReportOfTheWeek через WRMI
Частота 7780 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Friday 19 July 2019 01:26 - 02:05
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский | английский
Послано по e-mail vorwinfo@gmail.com
Ответ получен 23 августа 2019 года
Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna: Long wire antenna 35 meters (115 ft) with counterpoise 10 meters (33 ft)
MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

Письмо от станции:
Dear Dmitry, thank you for your reception report! It is great to hear that you were able to receive our broadcast! I hope with sincerity that you can be a regular listener to this program. My apologies for the delay.
Listed below is some information regarding this broadcast, including the broadcast schedule and means to support this program.
VORW Radio International is the official External Service of TheReportOfTheWeek, whose mission is to provide an enjoyable light entertainment program over the airwaves. Programs consist of a short talk at the beginning, followed by a selection of music, exclusively comprised of listener requested tunes.
Programs have been continuously on the air since December 22nd, 2016 though they have been on shortwave sporadically since January of 2015.
Here is the current transmission schedule:
Thursday 1300 UTC - 15770 kHz - To Europe and North Africa
Thursday 2000 UTC - 7780 kHz - To Eastern North America
Thursday 2100 UTC - 7780 kHz - To North America and Europe
Thursday 2200 UTC - 9955 kHz - To South America
Friday 0000 UTC - 7490 kHz, 7730 kHz, 9395 kHz - To North America
Friday 0100 UTC - 5850 kHz, 7780 kHz - To Europe and North America
Friday 2100 UTC - 9955 kHz - To South America
Saturday 2200 UTC - 6115 kHz, 9395 kHz to Europe and North America
Sunday 2200 UTC - 7780 kHz to North America and Europe
You may also be able to listen on SoundCloud at: https://soundcloud.com/vorw
This program is completely listener-funded, please keep this broadcast on the air with a donation via Paypal to "vorwinfo@gmail.com"
I hope you have a wonderful day,
John (VORW Radio Int.)