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e-QSL IRRS Shortwave NEXUS-IBA Италия Румыния Февраль 2019 года

В феврале IRRS Shortwave NEXUS-IBA проводили специальные тестовые трансляции от имени Voice of Life каждый вечер понедельника с 19:00 до 20:00 UTC на частоте 7290 кГц. Они заявили: "Мы выпустим специальную электронную карту QSL для этой передачи, в которой будет показана наша 1-я карта QSL, напечатанная местным итальянским художником в 1989 году. Эта карта будет доступна только по электронной почте." Сегодня я получил такую e-QSL за рапорт от 25 февраля 2019 года. Карточку не заполнили данными из рапорта.

e-QSL IRRS Shortwave NEXUS-IBA Италия Румыния Февраль 2019 года

Страна Румыния
Станция IRRS Shortwave NEXUS-IBA
Частота 7290 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) Monday 25 February 2019 UTC time: 19:00 - 20:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта английский
Послано по e-mail reports@nexus.org, info@nexus.org
Ответ получен 13 марта 2019 года
Receiver: Receiver: SDRplay RSP1
Antenna 1: Long wire antenna 35 meters (115 ft) with MFJ-959C Antenna Tuner SWL and Preamp / MFJ-931 Artificial RF Ground
Antenna 2: Active loop antenna R2ATU
Receiver location: Saratov, Russia

Читайте также:  e-QSL Seoul Radio HLG Южная Корея Май 2016 года

Письмо от станции:

Dear Dmitry,
Thank You very much for your email and reception report of our broadcasts. We do
acknowledge your reception report for our special broadcast, and we are
attaching an electronic QSL card. THis QQSL is a copy of the first IRRS QLS card
printed in 1990 and designed by a local artist in Milano.

In case you mention any particular program, we will forwarded your reception
report to the programmers that you heard for verification. They may also reply
to you with a QSL or verification letter. If this is not acceptable, please let
us now by return email within the next 24 hours.

Due to budget constraints, we are unable to reply to all QSL requests or send
information, stickers, pennants, schedules or gadgets by regular mail.

However we usually confirm by email with an electronic QSL, upon your request, when:

1) we run special broadcasts that are announced over our mailing list of on the
air, and you request a QSL card.

2) we receive detailed comments on the content of our programming (good or bad,
not just on the technical side). This is extremely useful to our program
producers and, help us all in improving the quality and content of our broadcasts.

We do however take special efforts in answering to your questions and confirming
your reports by email when you write to reports@nexus.org

Please check our web site at https://nexus.org for more information on our
broadcasts and our association. Our latest schedules are available at:


Our broadcasts can also be received 24/24 and 7/7 over the Internet at:

http://mp3.nexus.org or:

You may also subscribe to our low-noise mailing list to receive information on
schedules or test broadcasts at:


Hope it helps, Stay tuned and very best 73s,


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