QSL RAE Argentina al Mundo Аргентина США Май 2017 года
Получена первая для меня QSL карточка от RAE Argentina al Mundo из Аргентины через WRMI в США в ответ на рапорт за 30 мая 2017 года. Карточка за номером 173 и отправлена из Аргентины 09 августа. Ранее были отправлены рапорты за 17 и 19 мая 2017 года. Был получен предварительный ответ от Adrian Korol Director RAE Argentina al Mundo и он обещал отправить карточки. Так-же в мае была получена e-QSL без деталей из рапортов и расписание трасляций. Но через наземную почту дошла только эта карточка.
QSL RAE Argentina al Mundo Аргентина США Май 2017 года
Страна США
Станция RAE Argentina al Mundo
Частота 11580 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 30 мая 2017 года 22:40
Получено от станции QSL-карточка
Язык передачи | рапорта другой | английский
Послано по e-mail conexionrae@radionacional.gov.ar, rae@raeargentina.com
Ответ получен 26 августа 2017 года
Письмо от директора станции:
Dear Friend
We have just received your reception report to RAE Argentina al Mundo,
via WRMI relay.
According our files we are happy to tell that your report is correct.
Next week we are going to send you our SPECIAL NUMBERED QSL CARD via
regular POST
In these experimental shortwave broadcasting we appreciated emails,
reports, comments and messages from SWL and DXers all around the world.
RAE new project focus at radio in all its ways, 360 degrees radio
plataforms, from shortwaves to iTunes. Broadcasting in 8 languages from
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Next week we´ll start to transmit all our languages programms on
shortwaves, you´ll find the UTC time and KHZ frequencies in the pdf
document attached to this email.
The eqsl is only an advance gift, you are going to received the printed
one in a few weeks.
Thank you very much for listening and report RAE shortwaves broadcast.
Keep in touch!
73 & DX
Adrian Korol
RAE Argentina al Mundo

Рапорты за 2016 год подтверждать не стали:
Dear Dmitry
I have just received your email with where you wrote about the reports you sent us several months ago.
I beg your pardon about this bad experience and sad situation you have to feel.
RAE did not work properly along last 20 or 25 years, and keept alive thanks the proffesional team, no support, no authorities attention, and a lot of situations really hard.
One year ago it was an authorities renew in Radio Nacional (wich RAE depends on) and some things start to change for better, slowly, but in right way.
On February 15, 2017, I was designed Director of RAE . During these months we worked hard to recover our love RAE, looking alternatives to return shortwave (our owns old transmitter was broken and now we are going to repair it), and look for new digital platforms. Our project needs shortwave and internet together, analogic-digital times, and produce new and professional contents in the 8 languages we broadcast.
Before being RAE Director, I´m an active DXer and ham radio, so I know the listeners/radio contact relevance, and the mean of writing a reception report, attach files, and the happiness we fell when the QSL card arrives at home.
So I hope you understand the recent past reallity and the new project we are working for.
Awaiting your reports and emails with news, comments and your words.
As I told in the other email you are going to receive your SPECIAL NUMBERED QSL CARD at hom.
73 & Best DX
From Buenos Aires
Adrian Korol