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e-QSL Key Channel Radio Италия Март 2017 года

e-QSL Key Channel Radio Италия Март 2017 года

Страна Италия
Станция Key Channel Radio
Частота 6915 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 19.03.2017 11:34
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта другой | английский
Послано по e-mail keyradioam@gmail.com
Ответ получен 21.03.2017

YouTube видео

Письмо от станции:

Dear Friend, Yes, You have heard Key Channel Radio, the free station broadcasting from Italy. Thank's for Your important reception report, we hope you can more heard KCR in future!
Greetings from North of Italy !

Key Channel Radio:
Type: Pirate
Format: Multi-Ethnic
Mission: Know through the cultures and traditions of the music of the earth peoples so promoting peace and brotherhood.
Programs: 12 Hours + 6.
Site: Near City of Modena/ Germany
Country: North Italy Territory/Germany
Elevation: 800m S/L
Trasmitter: Commercial
Power: 0-370w In use 20w Carrier, 110w PeP (Peak)
Antenna: Inverted “V” & Chocke Balun
On Facebook: “The KCR Team”
The KCR Team:
Lilla: Producer, Music research, Voice, Art Designer.
Massi: Technical dept BF & HF, Programs montage, Jingles. (Dxer since 1975)
Jasmine: Public Relations, QSL Manager, Art Designer, Music research.(Dxer since 2012) and 7 external collaborators.

Читайте также:  QSL Polskie Radio Польша Февраль 2017 года

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