e-QSL Key Channel Radio Италия Январь 2017 года

e-QSL Key Channel Radio Италия Январь 2017 года

Страна Италия
Станция Key Channel Radio
Частота 6915 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 28.01.2017 14:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта другой | английский
Послано по e-mail keyradioam@gmail.com
Ответ получен 31.01.2017

YouTube видео

Письмо от станции:

Dear Friend, many thanks for Your important Reception Report, for You a special QSL for the first Year of trasmission in collaboration with Radio Dr.Tim. In future, You can heard KCR with a short programme from Germany on Dr.Tim Trasmitters!!!
Greetings from North of Italy !

Thank's Dmitri for the new report!! You are a great friend of KCR !!!
Key Channel Radio:
Type: Pirate
Format: Multi-Ethnic
Mission: Know through the cultures and traditions of the music of the earth peoples so promoting peace and brotherhood.
Programs: 12 Hours + 6.
Site: Near City of Modena
Country: North Italy Territory
Elevation: 800m S/L
Trasmitter: Commercial
Power: 0-370w In use 20w Carrier, 110w PeP (Peak)
Antenna: Inverted “V” & Chocke Balun
On Facebook: “The KCR Team”
The KCR Team:
Lilla: Producer, Music research, Voice, Art Designer.
Massi: Technical dept BF & HF, Programs montage, Jingles. (Dxer since 1975)
Jasmine: Public Relations, QSL Manager, Art Designer, Music research. (Dxer since2012), and 7 external collaborators.

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