e-QSL Radio Voyager Италия Декабрь 2016 года

e-QSL Radio Voyager Италия Декабрь 2016 года

Страна Италия
Станция Radio Voyager
Частота 6950 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 18.12.2016 14:25
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта итальянский | английский
Послано по e-mail radiovoyager@hotmail.com
Ответ получен 18.12.2016

YouTube видео

Письмо от станции:

Hello Dmitry,

many thanks for your report and audio file.
Radio Voyager transmit from the north-east of Italy with 500 w pep and inverted V antenna.
You can get information on our future broadcasts by subscribe to our Facebook group-> Enterprise radio or Twitter -> @enter_radio

Have fun with our music.


cap. Danny

Dear listener, we wait you next weekend (dates and times will be published on our Facebook group and Twitter)
with the Christmas broadcasts of Enterprise radio.
All receptions reports corrects that come to our mail with a postal address will be confirmed
with the new QSL Enterprise radio card.

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