e-QSL Radio City IRRS Болгария Октябрь 2016 года
e-QSL Radio City IRRS Болгария Октябрь 2016 года
Страна Болгария
Станция Radio City
Частота 9510 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 15.10.2016 08:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта другой | английский
Послано по e-mail citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Ответ получен 16.10.2016

Письмо от Radio City
Hello Dmitry,
Many thanks for your correct reception repoirt and the video recording. Please find enclosed our new QSL letter.
I cannot explain why reception was worse today. As reception was very good in Western Europe I suppose there has been a change of transmitting antenna with a different pattern. I don't think reception conditons in general were bad yesterday.
Best regards
Radio City - the Station of the Cars