e-QSL Goldrausch Германия Август 2016 года
e-QSL Goldrausch Германия Август 2016 года
Страна Германия
Станция Goldrausch
Частота 6070 кГц
Дата, время (UTC) 11.08.2016 21:00
Получено от станции e-QSL
Язык передачи | рапорта немецкий | английский
Послано по e-mail goldrausch6070@yahoo.de
Ответ получен 14.08.2016

Письмо от станции:
Dear Dmitry,
thank you very much for your reception report, the picture and the video records (really difficult to identify the station). I'm very happy to see, that my program has been listened to in Russia, though under poor reception conditions. Maybe, the following web-sdr will be useful, if you want to listen to channel 292 under better conditions:
"Goldrausch" is a hobby project and I just book airtime once or twice a week on channel292. So unfortunately I can only send e-qsl-cards.
For further information about the station and the transmitter please contact:
Radio Channel292 International Broadcasting Shortwave Kurzwelle Rundfunk Sender Sendezeit - Home
Radio Channel292 International Broadcasting Shortwave ...
Radio Channel292 Sender Kurzwelle Shortwave Broadcasting Sendezeit mieten Broadcastingtime 6070 Rohrbach
Auf www.channel292.de anzeigen
Vorschau nach Yahoo
Greetings and all the best to you from Bad Salzuflen in Germany
Eckhard "Hannibal" Heuermann
goldrausch6070@yahoo.de www.facebook.com/eckhard.heuermann
Meine Musik-Sendungen sind zu hören auf KW 6070 kHz bei Channel292 sowie im Internet bei Radio 112, Radio fresh80s, Radio Oldtimer, Haustier-Radio, ELBE-Radio, jukebox, MaximalFM, Radio back-in-time, NOVUMfm und SATzentrale.